Phuket International Airport (HKT) Private Transfer

Ao Luek Trip Overview

* Our drivers can track your flight, so they can be on time for your airport pick up/ drop-off. Free waiting for any flight delay issues.
* 24/7 Help Center for any changes/updates to your ride
*Cancel at least 24 hours prior to your service and get a full refund
*Wide array of vehicles according to your needs
*All-inclusive fare
*Meet And Greet outside door number 3 and door number 4

Additional Info

Duration: 45 to 70 minutes
Starts: Ao Luek, Thailand
Trip Category: Transfers & Ground Transport >> Transportation Services

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What to Expect When Visiting Ao Luek, Krabi Province, Thailand

* Our drivers can track your flight, so they can be on time for your airport pick up/ drop-off. Free waiting for any flight delay issues.
* 24/7 Help Center for any changes/updates to your ride
*Cancel at least 24 hours prior to your service and get a full refund
*Wide array of vehicles according to your needs
*All-inclusive fare
*Meet And Greet outside door number 3 and door number 4

1.Select the transportation service you require. Provide the following information: Full name, flight number, pick up date and time and phone number.
2. Save your voucher. Print it or save it in your phone.
3. 48 hours prior to your ride, you will receive your driver’s contact info.
4. 24 hour before, we will provide you with the meeting point info to meet with your driver.
5. Meet your driver outside of international terminal between door number 3 and door number 4.
6. Present your voucher and identify yourself with the driver.

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